Practical Training in Research and Industry for Upcoming AI Talents

The French-German summer school for upcoming AI talents, which took place on October 19-21, 2020 in Karlsruhe as well as virtually, has been organized by the French German Institute for Industry of the Future (Institut IMI at KIT and Institut Image at Art et Métiers). It has been funded by the Université franco-allemande/Deutsch-Französische Hochschule UFA/DFH.
Artificial intelligence is omnipresent in our society and in particular in the context of industry 4.0. This summer school aimed to reflect the French and German visions for artificial intelligence, in order to develop advanced skills in this area. About 30 French and German doctoral candidates attended different lectures related to the French and German visions of AI in research and industry or to societal impacts of AI. They also had the opportunity to imagine applications of AI in their PhD by participating to a practical course "AI sandboxes”.
Full program here (Link Flyer Program pdf)